July 30, 2011

oopsie daisy.

Sidenote: I have no idea if that's how one spells oopsie. Does it end with a y instead?

Anyway, I somehow managed to forget to post photos from one of my favorite places to walk. In the world. It's this amazing secluded hill slash meadow that has tons of wildflowers in the summer.  The walk might be dusty, it may smell a little like skunks here and there (I'm thinking a skunk family resides nearby), and grass definitely tickles (aka itches) your calves, but the scenery is so worth it. That and you can sometimes find juicy blackberries in late summer. Did I mention I like the wildflowers? Because they force me to bring my camera every time I go. Some may call them weeds, but that's okay with me because they're missing out.

If you're wondering why I didn't snatch a few to put in a vase...well, I tried. Long story short, allergies in the family win over my love for wildflowers. The end.

Psst...did anyone notice that my watermarks are in different fonts? Apparently I only watermarked some of the photos and since then I've changed the font I use on Picasa. I guess this makes it a double oops.

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