August 17, 2011

what i've been watching wednesday: royal pains.

Sorry my normal Wednesday posts have been infrequent, if not nonexistent. Not that you really care because you probably lead more interesting lives than I do and either a.) watch less tv than me or b.) you don't really care to read about these posts.

Anyway, here's what I've been watching lately:

So my sister was the one who introduced me to this show when it first premiered and thanks to her, I'm a little hooked. I'm not a blood and gore kind of gore and medical shows aren't normally my thing, but there's something about this show in particular that has me interested. It's partially Hank's clever inventions for medical supplies when he's out concierge-doctoring (or whatever you call it). It's also part humor between Hank and Evan. They're hilarious. And last week's episode (with guest star Matt Lauer) was pretty darn funny. 

I think I also like this show because it's light and not too intense. Something that seems perfect for the summer.

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