November 16, 2011

what i've been watching wednesday.

I've written before that I wouldn't mind meeting the Deschanel sisters. Which is why I started watching a few of Fox's new show New Girl which stars Zooey Deschanel. Which is kinda cool considering her sister Emily is also on the same network (Bones). Anyway, I first saw Zooey on 500 Days of Summer in a communications class and thought she played a great, well, awkward and quirky character. Which I love because that makes her, well, kinda hilarious and super likable.

As a little warning, I'm not such a big fan of all the love/bedroom drama that goes on. But fortunately it's been brief!


  1. I'm pretty into New Girl as well. I've loved Zooey since I saw her as the big sister in Almost Famous. I love that she's a quirky teacher, I relate all too well!

  2. I haven't seen Almost Famous, but I definitely agree with you on everything else. I so want to see an episode with her in the classroom someday!


© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall