February 28, 2012

lessons from harold.

Have you ever read Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson? It's one of those classic children's books where the main character, Harold, creates a world of his own using his purple crayon. It's pretty sweet and simple.

As a little background, I'm actually reading this book for one of my classes (one of many books this term) and while trying to think of a response to this book, the saying "the world is what you make it" immediately came to mind.  Harold wanted to go for a walk, so he created a path to walk on. Harold wanted a forest, so he created one. Harold wanted his bed, so he created one.

And I think Harold has a good point. A very good one at that.  The little boy made me realize that if I want something, I need to pursue it. I need to make it happen.

Is it weird that I learned something so deep from a little fictional character? Yeah, probably.

But you knew I was weird a long time ago, right?

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