September 22, 2012

behind this blog + camera lens.

behind the lens 4 behind the lens. behind this lens3 behind the lens 1 Behind this blog and camera lens, you would see that I sometimes just wear yoga pants (And a tee, of course. I'm not that weird).

Behind this blog and camera lens, you would notice that I never clean my camera and that it desperately needs it, too.

Behind this blog and camera lens, you would see a girl who does not like the new Blogger interface format (or whatever it's called). It makes me feel like I'm in Facebook-land not wanting to switch over to Timeline. At least this interface is clean and simple. It has that going for it.

Behind this blog and camera lens, you would know that like to write in short sentences + fragments. My high school English teacher hated that about me but it's something I just. Can't. Stop.

Behind this blog and camera lens, you would see that my hair is most often in a messy bun + headband. You would also see that I cannot make my messy buns look messy. Just lopsided.

Behind this blog and lens, you would know that I have a tickle in my throat that I hope isn't a cold. Please, not before school starts!

Behind this blog and lens, you would notice how much I love baking. And where my sweet treats all end up, too.

What is something that I/we would see behind your blog/camera lens?

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© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall