July 30, 2014


choose love over fear
You know when you feel like you've got everything under control? 

And then you realize that you really don't?

Well, let's just say I know a thing or two about that kind of thing. I've always been a tentative person, letting other people go before me in line for the tall water slides, kindly refusing offers to go on biplanes, and choosing not to go on trips without a family member or friend to tag along with me.

Part of it is my introversion and my love-hate relationship with changes and the unknown, but a lot of it has to do with fear. And I feel like I hide behind my fear and use it as an excuse too often these days.

I used to be a lot worse (believe me, it's true), but I feel like fear's got me in its grip lately. I've postponed things and have chosen not to pursue certain things because I'm simply afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of failure, and afraid of disappointing myself as well as my loved ones.

I don't know how it happened or when I decided to let it control me, but I've had enough. I've had enough of living my comfortable, boring life. I'm tired of being a person who describes herself as boring because I know that God has more planned for me. I want to serve Him and I don't want to keep Him waiting.

So do you have any tips for conquering fear? Any tips for taking that first step? Do you ever find yourself letting fear get the most of you? 


  1. My only thing is to look back at the times I branched out and it turned out good... and try it again! Ha!

    1. I actually do that! Looking back and realizing just how good God is and how good it is to be brave, too. I haven't done it in awhile though--what a wonderful reminder to do that again! :)

  2. You said you are afraid of failure... me too. All the time. No one REALLY wants to fail. However, in not even trying the only thing you do is fail. Failure to even try. So I figure if I'm going to fail I might as well fail TRYING instead of failing by not even trying at all.

    1. So true. And thank you for pointing out that it's not just me who's afraid of failure. Trying is the least I can do and also the most I can do when I'm scared, too. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone and that taking that first step is truly half the battle!

  3. i just stop my mind from thinking about it & just do it! :)

    1. I am truly an over-thinker so reminding myself to just take a break from thinking is definitely great medicine. :)

  4. Fear is my own worst enemy and something that Satan wants to use to paralyze us. The thing that helps me most is to memorize and meditate on Scripture. I also think about all of the ways God has been faithful to me in the past and dwell on His faithfulness, knowing that He will continue to be faithful in the present and future.

    1. You said it, Jessica! Fear is definitely paralyzing and a trap I fall into too easily some days. Reminding myself of His goodness has been really helpful and I actually went on a run this morning and listened to worship music non-stop. It was definitely healing! :)

  5. I know this is going to sound really, extremely cliche, but really, it's true. I was an adventurous kid, but somewhere in my late teen years, I developed into the the most shy and scared individual you can imagine. I mean, people who had sat by me in class for months didn't know my name, and if they were talking about me, they called me 'Silent Bobette". I wouldn't do ANYTHING. I wouldn't learn to drive a car. I was terrified of going on my dad's boat, so I'd hide in the cabin under a blanket. I was scared of meeting new people, so I'd stay home, even in one particular case of meeting far away cousins at a family reunion! I was pro-level shy, and although I knew it and I had a desire not to be -- I was too scared to do anything about it.

    Even though I knew God had a plan for me, I was worried that I might somehow end up outside that plan... until one day, I was listening to the radio, and one of those evangelical shows was on, talking about how God's gift to us was a beautiful world. And how we were to not only take over stewardship of the earth, but to seize the opportunities for joy inside of it. To ignore all of the good and amazing things that the world had to offer would be like burying the talent!

    So...(and here is the cliche part) I went skydiving. I figured if I did that and got it over with, what else could possibly scare me? And it worked, because I'm a bit of an adventure lover these days. And although I am still a bit shy, I always think to myself that talking to a new person or going out to try something for the first time can't possibly be any scarier than strapping myself to a complete stranger and then jumping out of a plane.

    1. Kelly, that's amazing and so encouraging---definitely not cliche and I'm so glad you shared it. :) That evangelical show on the radio sounds like a great one and such a great reminder that God's world is beautiful and He not only has great plans for us but wants us to really enjoy the life we're given, too.

      And skydiving?!? That's awesome! I'm terrified of heights, but I can definitely see how it would help with just getting over fear in general. Maybe I need to try that next! :)

  6. this is already the first step!
    admitting that you are letting fear hold you back - and wanting to do something about it.
    use that drive, that motivation, that DESIRE to change - to not let fear hold you back be your mantra...and then just go. there aren't any 5-steps-until-you're-fearless things...its just all about, I'm going to step out of my comfort zone in big ways, small ways, continually to see what things are like and how I can share new experiences.
    fear...man it sucks. I'm guilty of letting it weigh me down too. but I've learned that in those moments of saying "yes" when my fear wants me to say "no" I always build incredible memories!

    1. The desire to change is definitely there. Definitely. I just need to listen to it more than my fears. And I also love what you said about the memories that come from saying YES. That is something I'll be holding on to, too!

      And I know this sounds cheesy, but hearing these words from you has really helped (and I'm not just saying that!). Your words of wisdom always sink deep into my heart. So grateful for you, friend! :)

  7. I think this post alone is already a giant step in the right direction. You are amazing, friend!

    1. Thanks, friend! I've said this before, but just writing it out and sharing it on my blog sent a huge wave of relief. It's so comforting to know that there are others out there who struggle with fear and it's also going to keep me accountable, too. Thanks again for the encouragement! :)

  8. This topic is NEAR and gruesome to my heart! Fear and anxiety are two of my biggest areas of sin that I battle way too often.

    I've been studying 1 Peter and let me tell you, the reality checks have been one right after another! There are verses that I never thought of as "anxiety chasers", but as I'm digging into this book, I am marking them down and holding them close! You can check out the study here: http://jenwilkin.podbean.com/category/1-peter/ There's a free workbook and 10 audio sessions that are SOOO worth your time.

    1. So glad you can relate! I'm telling you, I think we're turning more and more twin-like, haha. :) Fear and worry are two things I've dealt with my whole life and am now just trying to get rid of for good. I've had seasons where I feel their presence (usually when something big i about to happen, like graduation, for example) but haven't really felt it lately until now.

      That study on 1st Peter sounds amazing! I haven't read that book in awhile and will definitely dive into it again soon. Reality checks are exactly what I need. :) Thanks for sharing the workbook and audio sessions, too! They sounds amazing!


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