February 12, 2016


Oh, Valentine's Day weekend. It's weird to think that it's landed on a Sunday this year! But here's to chocolates, flowers, and kisses from my puppy. What are your plans for the weekend?

Would you ever do this? It actually sounds like fun!

How to add greenery to your space.

The most Instagrammed places in each state of the country.

Because we all love free printables.

So. much. cuteness.

I'm sure you've already seen this but it's worth a second viewing.

A fascinating read. 

This is my life summed up in one blog post title.

Have a great one!

p.s. If you're looking for something to write about this weekend, the Circle link-up is this upcoming Wednesday (2/17) and we'll be creating/sharing our own mailboxes for bloggers to leave Valentine notes in the comments section of our blogs. We can't wait to leave some love on your blog!

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© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall