Whether you've stopped by one time or one thousand times, I'm delighted you're here! You'll see me talk about this a lot but my hands-down favorite part of blogging is the community and friendships that develop through sharing our lives online.

I hope you'll stick around (or click around!) and say hello. I'd love to see your corner of the blog world!

-I discovered my love for photography by accident when I took a photography course in high school. I never wanted to take this course, but it was the only one that fit my schedule. I'm pretty sure God planned that one on purpose.

-People describe me as quiet but my mind is always going. I'm an over-thinker and my biggest struggles are conquering my fears and worries.

-When I was younger, I wanted to be a writer and a teacher. Somehow I grew up to be both! I occasionally blog about preschool life and share some pieces of fiction, but I really love sharing my thoughts on singleness, bloggingfaith, and treasuring the everyday moments, too.

-Aside from my camera and Bible, I could never live without my family, journal, Thai food, and mint gum.

-I started a little link-up called The Circle that has grown to be a link-up that has bonded bloggers from all over. It started in 2013 after I realized just how much I treasured the friends I'd made online. The topic and co-host changes every month and if you're interested, you can read more about it here.

And if you have any more questions, feel free to leave a comment or you can email me, too!


  1. Thank you for such a sweet comment on my blog that led me to discover your lovely space.

    Finding followers of Christ on here is truly encouraging for me and its so nice to hear truth spoken so freely :-)

    If you ever need someone to guest post or just feel like chatting, send me an email! xx

    1. That's exactly how I feel about blogging (and your blog!) and finding fellow believers in this blogging community, too. I couldn't have said it any better. :)

      And if you'd like to guest post, I would be delighted to have you! I'd love to introduce you to my blog friends and I know that they'd love to check out your blog, too! Would you like to be a part of my Everyday Moments series? I'll forward you the email with more info!

    2. Hello Kiki, lovely blog you got and that vibe you give off too. Visiting from The Quiet Place - great design.

      My blog is faith-based too. I'm not much a writer - just a hand willing and blessed to take notes from the Holy Spirit. And that has included some fiction (just one on the blog though). I equally need guest posts on my blog.
      Here's a link to the guidelines if you'd like to check it out (that'd make my day☺)

    3. Hi Buife! Nice to meet you and what a great ministry you've got going! Unfortunately, I'm not able to take on any guest posting opportunities at the moment. Best of luck! :)

    4. Thank you and God's grace to you too. Hope to get you know you more.

  2. Kiki - I cam across your blog from the Find Beauty Friday link-up and just want to say it is lovely. Everything I have read has made me smile and want to read more. Don't have much time right now but will certainly be back!!

    1. Hi Sheryl! Nice to meet you! Your words are truly encouraging and it is such a surprise to hear that you love what you've read so far--hopefully you haven't found too many typos! :)

  3. I truly love your blog and find it completely inspiring! I love that you discuss faith so openly especially since not a lot of people step up about their faith these days. I'm new to blogging, and I would absolutely love it if you would swing by my blog:

    1. Thanks, Adora! I, too, love it when I come across a blogger who is not only a Christian, but who is open to share about it, too. Welcome to the blogging community! :)

  4. Hello Kiki! I found your blog on someone else's blog, and it looks nice. I'm always looking for new blogs to read and where the blogger is actually interested in connecting with other people!
    I'm hopeless with blogging, and have quit and restarted blogs so many times. I hope I will stick with it this time.

    1. Hi Susanne! Thanks for stopping by! I love finding other bloggers and I am so humbled by your kind words. Getting to know other bloggers and connecting with them is one of the biggest reasons why I blog. Sure, I love photography and writing, but meeting other people? Waaayyyy cooler. :)

      And if you ever want to chat about blogging, I'm all ears! I know how hard blogging is (believe me, I do!) so if you ever want a listening ear, I'm here for ya! Happy blogging!


© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall